Swank, Katherine. How to Talk with Donors about Planned Gifts. Successful Planned Giving Programs Build Relationships with Constituents that Rarely Centre on Tax Benefits. 2009. Online article. Target Analytics, a Blackbaud Company.
Janice Link |
Gift Planning and Fundraising
American Farmland Trust. Your Land is Your Legacy. American Farmland Trust.
Barrett, Richard D. & Molly E. Ware. Planned Giving Essentials: A Step by Step Guide to Success, Jones & Bartlett Publisher.
Community Foundations of Canada. Professional Advisors e-Resource: A toolkit for helping clients achieve their philanthropic goals.
Goodman, Wolfe, H. Carr. Establishing a Private Foundation. 2002 edition updated by P. Broder. Canadian Centre for Philanthropy, Toronto.
Dove, Kent E., Alan M. Spears, Thomas W. Herbert. Conducting a Successful Major Gifts and Planned Gifts Program. John Wiley & Sons.
Drache, Arthur B., R. Hayhoe, D. Stevens. (Updated regularly) Charities Taxation, Policy and Practice - Federal and Provincial Legislation. Carswell.
Grace, Kay S. and Alan Wendroff. High Impact Philanthropy: How Donors, Boards and Nonprofit Organizations Can Transform Communities. John Wiley & Sons.
Klein, Kim. Reliable Fundraising in Unreliable Times. What Good Causes Need to Know to Survive and Thrive. Jossey-Bass.
Jordan, Ronald, K. Quynn. Invest in Charity: A Donor's Guide to Charitable Giving. 2002. John Wiley & Sons.
Jonathan Grant |
Jordan, Ronald, K. Quynn. Planned Giving for Small Nonprofits. John Wiley & Sons.
Jordan, Ronald, K. Quynn, Planned Giving: Management, Marketing, and Law. Cummulative Supplement. John Wiley & Sons.
Jordan, Ronald, K. Quynn, Planned Giving Workbook. John Wiley & Sons.
Levesque, Alain. George's Tree: The Story of a Well Planned Gift. .
Minton, Frank. Planned Giving for Canadians. Available online through Canadian Association of Gift Planners.
Minton, Frank. Lorna Somers. Planned Giving for Canadians. Somersmith. Waterdown Ontario.
Miree, Kathryn W. Professional Advisors' Guide to Planned Giving. CCH.
Osborne, Dewayne. A Charitable Guide to Planned Giving. Online resources & tax/legal updates.
Pearce, E., S. Clodman. Planned Giving: Making It Happen. Volume One: Managing Your Planned Giving Program. Volume Two: Marketing Your Planned Giving Program.
Pearce, E., S. Clodman.Well Advised: A Planned Giving Reference Source for Professional Advisors.
Schoenhals, G. Roger. First Steps in Planned Giving: Practical Ideas.
Schoenhals, G. Roger. Getting Going in Planned Giving.
Schoenhals, G. Roger, Editor. 19-Article Book Series (reprintable marketing articles & templates)
Sharpe, Robert F., Planned Giving Simplified: The Gift, the Giver, and the Gift Planner. John Wiley & Sons.
White, Douglas E. The Art of Planned Giving: Understanding Donors and the Culture of Giving. John Wiley & Sons.
Jonathan Grant |
Ecological Land and Conservation Covenant Donations
Andrews, William J. and David Loukidelis. Leaving a Living Legacy: Using Conservation Covenants in BC. Vancouver, BC: West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation. .
Attridge, Ian C. Conservation Easement Valuation and Taxation in Canada. Report No. 97-1. North American Wetlands Conservation Council (Canada).
Barla, P. and J.-D. Saphores. Les Mesures de protection des habitats fauniques en terres privées: les instruments économiques. Université Laval, Ste-Foy, Quebec: Quebec Ministry of Environment.
Denhez, Marc. Giving Nature Its Due - Tax Treatment of Environmental Philanthropy: Recent Improvements, Remaining Barriers and Current Opportunities. Published in partnership with Evergreen Common Grounds, The Nature Conservancy of Canada, Donner Canadian Foundation, Richard Ivey Foundation, J.W. McConnell Family Foundation. 54 p. North American Wetlands Conservation Council. Available online.
Ecological Gifts Program. Canadian Ecological Gifts Program Handbook. Environment Canada.
Ecological Gifts Program. Ecological Gifts Program Donor Brochure. Environment Canada.
Ecological Gifts Program. Ecological Gifts Program Guidelines for Appraisals. Environment Canada.
Ecological Gifts Program. Engaging an Appraiser to Appraise an Ecological Gift. Environment Canada.
Nora Layard |
Hillyer, Ann and Judy Atkins. Giving it Away: Tax Implications of Gifts to Protect Private Land. Vancouver, B.C. West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation. Available online.
Green Legacies: A Guide for Donors in B.C. - see the Give Green Canada Home Page
Hillyer, Ann and Judy Atkins. Greening Your Title: A Guide to Best Practices for Conservation Covenants. 2nd Edition. Vancouver, B.C. West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation. Available online.
Longtin, Benoît. Options de conservation: guide du propriétaire. Centre québécois du droit de l'environnement.
North American Wetlands Council. Conservation Easements, Covenants and Servitudes in Canada - A Legal Review. Published in partnership with the Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada. 139 pages. (PDF).
Stewardship Canada. Valuing Nature: Proceedings. Available online.
Stewardship Canada. The Leading Edge: Proceedings. Online online.
Donor Directories
The Canadian Book of Charities: The Guide to Intelligent Giving. (Published annually) Woodbridge, ON: Mavora Publications Inc. Tel: (905) 851-0555.
The Canadian Donor's Guide to Fundraising Organizations in Canada. (Published annually) Toronto, ON: Third Sector Publishing. Tel. (416) 961-6776.
Canada Revenue Agency (Charities Division)
Toll Free: 1 (800) 267-2384.
David Denning |
The Revenue Canada Charities Division website offers donors and charities a wealth of information including:
- Checklists for charities. Easy-to-follow checklists to help with the responsibilities of operating a registered charity.
- Giving to charity: Information for donors. Tax savings, official donation receipts, finding charities, and the regulation of charities.
- Applying for registration. How to apply, the review process, charitable purposes and activities, governing documents, questions and answers.
- Donor alerts. Donation schemes, illegal tax filing, and protecting yourself against fraud.
- Operating a registered charity. Information for directors/trustees about filing the return, activities, receipts, spending requirement, books and records, making changes, and Qs & As.
- Outreach and communications. Small and rural charities initiative, information sessions, webinars, newsletters, electronic mailing lists, and What's New.
- Policies and technical information. Summary policies, policy statements, policy commentaries, policies for consultation, information letters, case law, and statute law.
- Contact information and resolving problems. Resolve questions, complaints, and other problems.