Debbie Kelsall
David Denning |
Here are some key links to help you create gifts that will lead to solutions!
- Charity Village - A tremendous resource for charities and donors that offers information about the latest research, online courses (including a 2-hour introductory planned giving course), a job market, and much more.
- Canadian Association of Gift Planners - As the professional association for gift planners in Canada, CAGP offers courses, resources and a dynamic annual conference.
- Community Foundations of Canada - Representing 171 community foundations across Canada, CFC offers many tools and resources for donors, charities and foundations. It also offers an e-resource for professional advisors.
- Ecological Gifts Program, Environment Canada - For tax incentives for gifts of ecologically important land.
- Leave a Legacy - resources for donors, charities and professional advisors.
- Leave a Legacy- Find an Advisor - Directory of professional advisors in Canada (members of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners)
- Plan for Gifts - Resources for gift planners in Canada