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Environmental Organizations

G2 (Give Green Canada) can help you jumpstart your financial stability today

"Give Green Canada’s program is the best publicly accessible source of information on ecological gifts and planned gifts in Canada.  It is a terrific resource for environmental charities to become educated about gift planning.  The content is clear and well presented, and the course has excellent links to quality external resources.  Well done."  Malcolm Burrows, Head, Philanthropic Advisory Services, Scotia Private Client Group

Click here to access the G2 TOOLKIT. You'll have guest access. To access all the resources, just click the Log-in button, upper right corner of the Royal Roads site. 

To access our new program MONTHLY GIVING - LEARNING TOGETHER, click here.

Join thousands of others who have discovered the benefits of donor outreach through gift planning. Gift planning, revenue development through gifts of assets such as bequests, insurance (and in the case of eNGO's, land), offers you a clear promise of sustainable funding in this time of great uncertainty about the future.

Just starting out




Looking for Information




Follow us on Twitter

Register for our free TOOLKIT that takes you through key steps to receiving and processing gifts, and easy first steps to asking for gifts. There is no cost to you, thanks to our funders.




If you are looking for quick information about a particular type of gift or activity, please click on the "Discover your Options" box to the right where you will find a comprehensive overview of various types of gifts.




If you have very limited time, follow us on Twitter as we keep you informed of the latest outreach and legacy news.

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Resources to help you








If you are looking for resources and general information, please go to our Home Page and check out the Resources section.




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One-on-one mentoring is availalbe subject to funding. Space is limited. For details contact Natasha (see below). 


Mentoring -  apart from the free Toolkit, in addition one-on-one mentoring opportunities can be arranged subject to funding. Please contact Natasha van Bentum for details: vanbentum at

Outreach - By connecting people already proven to care about the environment with the type of gift most suitable to their time and place in life, your organization can begin to attract legacy and other major gifts to build a solid base for a healthy future. 

Give Green Canada's easy-to-use TOOLKITwill get you started and help you each step along the way. It's a 12 unit open-learning program that gives you the tools and information you need now. You'll discover how to increase support from your donors by getting to know them and understanding their goals and objectives.

Click here to access the TOOLKIT. You'll have guest access. To access all the resources, just click the Log-in button, upper right corner of the Royal Roads site.

Thank you to our funders. Their generosity means there is NO COST TO YOU to use the resource centre Toolkit.

On Your Way to Gift Planning

  • In this Unit you will discover if your organization is ready to begin, and about gift planning vocabulary, how to obtain internal support (an advocate) and how to download a step-by-step chart outl