Enroll now to learn about building relationships with your members and donors that result in major gifts. Discover how to ask for, receive and process major gifts.
In this Unit you will discover if your organization is ready to begin, and about gift planning vocabulary, how to obtain internal support (an advocate) and how to download a step-by-step chart outl
In this unit you will learn about the importance of tracking your progress by measuring activities, not revenue. You will also learn more sophisticated ways of monitoring the program.
In this unit you will discover the importance of gift acceptance policies and why having such policies in place helps you. You will also learn about working with professional advisors and how
Discover a comprehensive unit covering such topics as a Donor’s Bill of Rights, Confidentiality policy, and many pointers and helpful hints on reaching out to donors such as using new media,
This unit give you all the necessary elements for starting up a solid bequest program including a step-by-step chart on processing bequest. Look for insiders’ tips and resources from ar
This Unit explores the world of Life Insurance gifts, the second-most important type of planned gift for an introductory Gift Planning program after Bequests.
This Unit will provide everything you need to know about Environment Canada’s Ecological Gifts (EcoGifts) Program as well as links to the official site and a special powerpoint presentation p
In this Unit you will discover examples of best practices from other organizations, learn about conservation agreements and covenants or servitudes, see success stories, and learn about the l
In this Unit you will discover why gifts of appreciated securities are a wonderful way for donors to make major gifts to your organization with favourable tax outcomes.
Discover the other resources available to help you with your gift planning activities, including information about the Canadian Association of Gifts Planners and the Resource section of the Give Gr